Mark Malachowski
MAP Judge
Hey Folks,
I’m an Ohio native and I’ve lived in Northeast Ohio all my life. I studied art education at the Cleveland Institute of Art and Case Western Reserve University. Since 1987 I’ve called Berea my home and is where we raised our 3 children. I’m a very proud grandpa of two grandsons and we’re very fortunate that we get to see them almost every day (my daughter and son-in-law moved around the block from us and our backyards connect). So, I’ve been writing/creating batik eggs since 2002. It all started when my wife purchased one of UGS’s beginner’s pysanky kits from a local craft store. She thought it would be a fun way for me to dye some eggs with the children that Easter. Well, the kids lost interest after a couple hours but, I kept writing all night and haven’t stop since then. I think right away I began to create my own designs and really enjoy the entire process. Many years ago I taught my first class at PUSA retreat and then eventually began to host my own workshops.
This year will be our third year hosting Pysanky On The River or “POTR”. This is a weekend egging event held in Berea Ohio. This year there will be 80 egg artists from across the US and Canada in attendance.