Egg Art Supplies
for All Styles of Egg Art including
Carving and Pysanky
The RED STAR Suppliers listed below offer discounts to EAI Members. Make sure to ask for your discount or use your discount code. The 2025 discount code will be in all member's newsletters. If you lost or forgot your discount code, contact us.
Hint: Suppliers are also a good source for beginners to learn what supplies are currently used by other egg artists.
Most ship worldwide.
Egg Art Supplies, Kits, Spark Kits, Minis, Silk Prints, Tools and more
"Beyond the Hatchery" quarterly magazine
Weekly Zoom Egging Get Togethers
EAI Members receive a 5% discount!
Egg Art Supplies, Carving Equipment, Unique Art for Sale, Gift Cards
EAI Members receive a 5% discount!
Supplying all of your Egg decorating products.
EAI Members receive a 5% Discount!
Elegant Eggs Studio (USA)
3D printed supplies including bases, stands and figurines, duck eggs
Rachel Izdepski : 262-995-4235
Website Coming Soon!
EAI Members receive a 5% Discount!
Extensive range of Egg Art Supplies * Online Learning Section with DVD's, Books, Patterns
136-page Catalogue to download free
"Art of the Eggshell" quarterly magazine
EAI Members receive a 5% Discount!
Engraving Systems, High Speed Engravers, DVD Training, Accessories/Replacement Parts, Burrs/Bits, Parablaster Supplies, Artwork & Designs, Powercrafter Professional Engravers (PPE) Program
EAI Members receive a 5% Discount!
Full line of pysanky supplies including waxes, dyes, blown eggs, kistky, tools, stands, finished pysanka and much more
EAI Members receive a 5% Discount!
Full line of pysanky supplies including waxes, dyes, kistky, tools, stands, kits, dust collectors, retreats, workshop resources and more