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- Winner's of the February 'Eggs of the Month" include Gail Kozun Bruckner from Canada.
Gail's post received almost 3000 likes!!!!!!
- New Feature- Egg Art for Sale
We are now serving our members by providing a simple way to connect egg art buyers with egg artists. With over 3000 website views per month your egg is sure to sell. No more complex listing algorithms. You simply you list your egg for a low onetime set up fee and low monthly listing fee. All transactions are between the buyer and seller. The first 5 artists will receive their first one month set up and listing free. Contact us now.
- January "Eggs of the Month" Winners and Honorable Mentions
We now have over 1800 members since starting last March. There were 1525 posts and comments and 23,814 views! Way to go artists! Keep spreading the love of egg art around the world.
- January "Eggs of the Month"
Our Facebook group "Egg Art International Gallery" top 4 most liked eggs will be announced February 7th. There was a tremendous number of eggs posted and the results were very close. These winners will be featured in next year's magazine "Amazing Eggs of 2024" if the artist chooses. HINT HINT Several were pysanky eggs!
- The "Amazing Eggs of 2023" is almost here!
The final edits were done and it will be sent for formatting. Once that is done it will go to the printers. I still have to get quotes on domestic and international shipping.