Lots of fun and interesting things to be found here if you are an artist or simply want to learn something new. You may click on any underlined title, and it will take you directly to that page!
Content is updated frequently.
1. Books - Many books are available to purchase directly from the artists. These books cover all types of
egg artistry. It's a great source for the beginner thru advanced levels.
2. Egg Art Supplies-These RED STAR SUPPLIERS offer Members Discounts A great source for all your egg art needs. Look for the RED STAR!
3. Egg Art Suppliers List -A great list of suppliers!
4. Egging Socials - A fun online place to get together with other artists.
5. Shows and Events - US and International Shows and Events.
6. Facebook - There are many egging groups and pages for all styles of egg art all with direct links.
7. Forum (Members Only) - A helpful place to ask questions.
8. Helpful Hints (Members Only)- A wonderful and growing page of helpful hints.* NOW FOUND IN THE H.E.A.G LIBRARY WEBSITE SECTION
9. Guilds and Clubs - International and US based guilds and clubs for in person egging!
10. International Contacts - All our International Contacts are on the EAI team page.
11. The KID'S KORNER- A new page in development for kids!
12. Log In and Password help - Need help logging in or changing a password? Follow these step-by-step instructions.
13. Magazines -There are two magazines currently being published in both print and online.
14. Newsletters (Members Only) - Read all the previous newsletters.
15. Free Patterns, Tutorials and Helpful Hints- Free to the Public to get a sneak peak of the fun!
16. Patterns and Designs (FREE for Members Only)) - For all styles of egg artistry. More coming soon. *NOW FOUND IN THE H.E.A.G LIBRARY WEBSITE SECTION
17. Teachers - In person or online instruction for all levels.
18. Videos - Free "How to Videos" from great artists including Lorrie Popow, Linda Martin and others!