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Zoom meeting-what the future holds!

THE FUTURE! Some of the things myself and others suggested were the following:

1.Creating a guild that will benefit members and nonmembers.

2.Be a truly international and all-inclusive guild for all styles of egg art.

3.Have a Master Program that can be carried out in various countries, not just the USA by competent and experienced artists.

4.Amendments to any proposed bylaws or future plans should be voted on by members and be transparent.

5.Membership will be kept informed thru the blog, email (you can opt out) of any changes or offers.

6. All member's information has always been private, and I am only one with access. There will be no exchange of financial information, no collection of money, and we DO NOT have a shopping cart.

7.We discussed new logo and a name.

8.We want to establish a positive vibe and move forward.

9. Volunteering on the committee to help us move into the future.

10.and lots lots more!

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