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Writer's pictureDr. Leslie Lisdell

Zoom meeting recap 2-19-23

Our team met yesterday to discuss all the great things our guild will be doing. This was followed by a public Zoom meeting whereby people could have their questions answered. We went over what happened to the old IEAG as requested by many people. This can be seen on the website page "What happened to the old IEAG". But enough of that! We talked about the new Master Artisan program which will make it easier for all artists around the world to participate as well as new categories. We discussed the new upcoming Facebook sites as well as possibly a new name. Lastly, we reiterated our goal to make this truly an international guild that includes egg artists of all types. A guild that values all our members input and doesn't take your hard-earned money. Above all a great resource for all things Egging! Have a great egging day! Leslie

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