Submit the JPEG images as specified: You are required to submit a minimum of 6 photos as outlined below. If the egg opens, an image of the inside must be added and labelled ‘inside’. If the egg has mechanical movement, a video no longer than 10 seconds in length will be required.
TOTAL MB allowed per application is 25MB.
a. Name the images as follows: Front, Back, Left Side, Right Side, Top and Bottom.
b. Photos must not be labelled with a name or show a name.
c. The background must be plain white or plain black without glare.
d. Take the pictures at eye level for the front, back and sides.
All fields marked with an asterisk * are required for the application to be accepted. Make sure to check for completeness. If you have problems or questions, please contact us.
Make sure to wait until you see "Your application has been received. Thank you." before leaving the screen as you will lose your information. Upload times vary. Watch for an email for further instructions and information.
By submitting this application, you confirm that all the work was carried out by you personally and that the egg is your original design. You also agree to allow EAI to use submitted photos for the website, EAI social media sites and any publications. You may opt out of having your name published with the photos by checking the box below.
Your application has been received. Thank you.