Egg Art Suppliers
All the following suppliers are RED STAR suppliers that offer our members 5% discounts with the 2025 code. Let's welcome the New Red Star suppliers: The Eggery Place, Powercrafter and Pysanky USA
Just click on the photo or name and it will take you directly to their websites.
Everything you need for All Styles of Egg Art including Carving and Pysanky!
Supplies * Kits * Spark Kits * Minis * Silk Prints * Tools
"Beyond the Hatchery" quarterly magazine
Weekly Zoom Egging Get Togethers
Unique Art & Supplies * Blown Eggs * New Things added weekly
Sponsoring Northeast Egg Art- The 2025 Egg & Art Exposition
on September 13-14,2025 in Portland, Maine
Complete Line of Egg Art Supplies * Egg shells * Stands * Findings * Egging Kits * Swarovski Crystal * Czech Crystal and Much More!
Elegant Eggs Studio (USA) by Rachel Izdepski
3D Printed Bases * 3D Printed Stands * 3D Printed Figurines * Silk Prints * Blown Eggs
Email: * Tele: 262-995-4235
Offering an extensive range of egg art supplies
* Online Learning Section to purchase DVD's, books, patterns and magazines
Quarterly Magazine * International Shipping
Engraving Systems * High Speed Engravers * DVD Training by Dr. Lew Jensen * Accessories/Replacement Parts * Burrs/Bits * Parablaster Supplies * Artwork & Designs *
Powercrafter Professional Engravers (PPE) Program
Online Shop for Pysanky Supplies * Dyes * Wax * Kitsky * Plugs * Stands * Brushes & Pencils * Blown Eggs * Ornament Caps * Books * Egg-Cessities * Tools * Finished Pysanka
Canadian Eggshell Dyes * Beeswax * Kitsky * Findings * Stands *Universal Tips * Books * Retreats * Workshops